Friday, October 22, 2010

October Ministry Update

I’m combining the updates for September and October because it’s been so busy here that I actually missed last month!  I’ve had the privilege of working on several projects around the campus that will help fulfill the call that God has for Youth With a Mission, Tyler and for me as a leader.  A key component of the ministry here is the training programs, including the Discipleship Training School (DTS).  I have been a part of the staff of the June 2010 DTS and in September the students completed the lecture portion of the training and were sent out on their outreach phase.  The students were sent in two teams to New Mexico and California for the stateside portion of outreach and then returned to the campus for a day or two before heading out to four foreign outreach locations; Peru, South Africa, Kenya, and East Asia.  Please keep the teams in your prayers as they spend time sharing about all that God is in their lives and the amazing gift of salvation that He freely offers.  The teams will return in early November.

I’ve had a question going through my mind quite a bit lately about what it means to be a missionary and whether a person working in America would really be considered a missionary.  I realized that I have had a distorted view, probably like many others, that to truly be a missionary a person needs to go to some far–off land to tell people about Jesus.  And usually the picture includes sharing with a group of people who have possibly never heard the name of Jesus, let alone the Gospel.  But then I began going back to the Bible, the source of truth.  In Matthew 28:19-20, the Great Commission is to “go and make disciples of all the nations”…the “go” is to all parts of the earth, not just in church, not just to a far-off land, but “go” right where God places you.  That includes into the everyday places that God calls us into, whether that is into the business world, school, across the world in a tiny village far from civilization, or even into YWAM Tyler.  The “go” to me is to realize that the “mission field” is right where God has called me and placed me and is about making disciples—teaching others to follow the commands of God.  It is about being trained and training others to live according to what God has spoken.  So, yes, I am a missionary and each of you are too when you take the truths that God has shown you and share them with those you come into contact with each day.  And my “mission field” is at Youth With a Mission.  I have the responsibility and privilege of speaking into the lives of students who come here for training, who come to learn to “Know God and Make Him Known” and I get to play a part in that.  It is an awesome responsibility and I am humbled that God would allow me a part in furthering His Kingdom in this way.

One of the practical projects I’ve been involved with these past six weeks was coordinating an “Extreme Makeover” week to address some of the areas on campus that were needing some TLC.  This included transforming a dance studio into a classroom for our School of Worship, major repairs to another classroom, new flooring in our admissions office, updating all the student mattresses, and the biggest project, a complete makeover of the kitchen and food storage area on campus, which has not had much attention since it was built about 30+ years ago.  If you’ve ever watched the show Extreme Makeover, Home Edition, that was a bit of what we experienced in the 8 days we had to complete the projects.  I’ve included some pictures from the kitchen project, as well as a link to the videocast produced by our communications staff.  The link to the videocast is at the bottom of this post.

I so appreciate everyone’s encouragement and support.  Specific prayer points this month are:
 *That I would continue to pursue God and all that He wants to reveal to me.
 *Pray for the outreach teams in Peru, South Africa, Kenya, and East Asia, for safety, divine appointments, and for God to use their lives to transform those they come in contact with.
 *Financial provision and that peace that I am right in the middle of where God has called me.

I would love to hear from you.  My phone number is still the same, email, and snail mail are welcome too.  My mailing address is Tori Hindman, YWAM Tyler, PO Box 3000, Garden Valley, TX 75771.  Please also let me know what I can be praying for in your life.  Until next month…


p.s.  Please remember that any financial support is tax-deductible, checks should be made out to YWAM and DO NOT put my name anywhere on the check, but instead include a separate note designating the gift is for Tori Hindman.  Checks should be mailed to YWAM Tyler, Accounting Dept, PO Box 3000, Garden Valley, TX 75771. 

Kitchen All Torn Up
Beginning the move back in

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Returning to blogging

So I've been thinking a lot lately about how to stay in touch with people from around the world and the idea of getting back into posting here came up. I don't know if I'll be any better at this than last year, but I'm going to try. The last year has been a whirlwind of activity and change that only God could have orchestrated. I'm so in awe of who He is and all that He has done in me in this year. I've gone from being a full-time foster mom to kids in need, to being a student spending time in the classroom and in East Asia and Haiti on outreach, to being a full-time missionary. I'm amazed when I look back at all God's done in the last few years in my heart and life. I've included below the two latest email updates about where I am and have been lately.  I would love to hear from any of you and my contact info is included.


August 2010 Ministry Update

Update from August 2010

Hey Everyone,
It’s been just over a month since I last sent out an update and a ton has changed since then, so wanted to clue you in to what God has been doing recently.

When I last wrote, I was heading to YWAM Tyler for a prayer retreat and to meet with some of the leadership at the campus.  It was so good to spend a few days seeking God and really hearing His heart for me.  I also felt very challenged by the things He was speaking at that time. 

One specific area that I was seeking God on was the timing of coming on staff at YWAM Tyler and the finances in particular.  To be on staff each person must have at minimum $650.00 in financial support per month.  My personal monthly budget is $1500.00 and I was assuming that I couldn’t come on staff until I reached the higher budget.  But during the days of praying here at the campus, I clearly heard God reminding me of how He has continually provided when I didn’t think there was any way the bills would be paid.  He reminded me of the story in I Kings 17 of Elijah and the widow with the jars of flour and oil that didn’t run out until the drought was ended.  God reminded me of how the “oil” never ran out when I was unemployed and while going through the training schools here at YWAM, even though in the natural it never made sense that there would be enough money for my family’s needs.  I realized again that I was relying on my natural self, what I could see in my hands, rather than relying on what God has in His hands.  I felt this peace and assurance from God that He could make the $650.00 like the widow’s oil and flour and there would be “enough” if I simply trust Him and allow Him to work.  So I accepted the challenge from God to trust Him and took a leap of faith to come when the financial pledges reached $650.  On July 6th, I moved back to YWAM Tyler to be on staff full-time!  I’m still believing that God will speak to hearts to partner with me financially in this journey, so if that is you please contact me at the address below.

At the YWAM Tyler campus, I am working as the assistant to Patty Beck, the Director of Operations.  I haven’t completely figured out yet what that really entails, mostly because it seems Patty is involved in almost all aspects of the ministry here at YWAM Tyler.  Which of course means I get to be involved in everything as well.  I am really excited to be working under Patty—she’s an amazing example of a Godly leader.  The projects I’ve been involved with this past four weeks have been everything from helping order parts for a mower, to researching new mattresses for our student dorms, to helping coordinate our quarterly all-base work day, to helping with a reception for the Mayor of Asan, South Korea who will be here for six months going through some of the training programs.  I’m also apprenticing with the Discipleship Training School and shadowing more seasoned staff in working with the students in that program.  It’s really been a whirlwind four weeks and I’m loving every minute of it.

I so appreciate everyone’s encouragement and support during this process.  Specific prayer points this month are:

  • Wisdom and grace as I learn in my new role at YWAM Tyler.
  • That I would continue to press in to a deeper and more intimate relationship with God, accepting the challenges He presents in my life.
  • Financial provision and that I would continue to rest in the assurance that my God supplies all that I need to be effective in the ministry He has called me to.

I would love to hear from you.  My phone number is still the same, email, and snail mail are welcome too.  My mailing address is Tori Hindman, YWAM Tyler, PO Box 3000, Garden Valley, TX 75771.  Please also let me know what I can be praying for in your life.  Until next month…


p.s.  Please remember that any financial support is tax-deductible, checks should be made out to YWAM and DO NOT put my name anywhere on the check, but instead include a separate note designating the gift is for Tori Hindman.  Checks should be mailed to YWAM Tyler, Accounting Dept, PO Box 3000, Garden Valley, TX 75771.  

June 2010 Ministry Update

This is the emailed update from the end of June 2010:

I wanted to send out a quick update to let all of you know what’s happening and to ask for your prayers.  Hopefully you’ve received the latest newsletter that I sent out a few weeks ago and know that I am working towards moving to Youth With a Mission, Tyler full-time.  I know that this is the next step in God’s plan for me.  However, in my humanness and out of fear rather than trusting God to work out the details, I put a deadline on God and have communicated that I would be moving back on June 20th.  God has continually been taking me to deeper levels of trust and reliance on Him, on His strength and not my own.  This is just another opportunity for me to lean into Him and to recognize how much He loves me and that He wants the best for me.  I am still in Wylie, but my bags are packed and I am expectant that God will give me the go-ahead to move back to Tyler very soon.  I will actually be at the campus Sunday through Tuesday to spend time praying and I expect God to show me more of Himself.  Please join in praying with me on Monday and Tuesday specifically.

At this point, the main thing that is holding up the move to Tyler is the financial support.  As you are probably aware, I am responsible for raising monthly financial support.  Currently, I have pledges for just over one-fourth of my monthly support goal.  I know God is my provider and have trust that He will speak to the hearts of those who He would have join my financial support team.  Perhaps that is you.  Would you pray and see what God would speak to you?  Whatever He speaks to you, whether to give or not to give, I pray that you would be obedient to His calling and that you would only move in the direction He is showing you.  If you believe that God is calling you to join this work financially, please let me know by return email or phone call at 214-850-8065.  For those who have already responded I am so thankful that you are following His call. Monthly support donations are tax-deductible but must not include my name on the check, instead include a separate note designating the funds for Tori Hindman, make it payable to YWAM, and mail to:

YWAM Tyler
PO Box 3000
Garden Valley , TX 75771

If you have any questions or want to talk further about the plans God has for me, I would love to get together with you or talk on the phone, so just let me know.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

This update is directly from my journal...and entry from 10-6-09.

Papa I am so overwhelmed right now. That you would trust me in this venture of Your's. I feel so inadequate and at the end of myself. I know You are made strong in my weakness and I praise You for that. But Papa, even in my weakness, please give me strength. We went to a village last night and were asked to do a service. My thoughts raced and all I could think was "who am I... how can I give them anything, I have nothing that they need." And yet, I know watching the faces of the 29 people there that it wasn't about what I could or couldn't do, it was about me allowing You to flow through me. The saw Your love for them through us. Despite messing up the verses of the song or forgetting small details in the stories. Despite me not being able to eat much of the food....they saw Your love for them, which is the reason we came. Papa I am humbled by You and I feel such love from You. I know You have wrapped me in Your arms and You're holding me. I know you wrapped Your arms around the woman who hosted us last night. All that was done by the villagers last night was out of a deep hunger for more of You. Despite the risk they were putting themselves in, they wanted more of You, they wanted to know the word You had for them on this night. They meet 4 times per week after a full day in the fields. It wasn't a duty or a drudgery, they deeply yearn for You, for Your presence and to hear Your oice. Increase my hunger Papa.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

We've Arrived

We arrived to our first location after 45 hours of travel. We had a 12 hour layover in the airport which was beautiful and had comfy lounge chairs that we were able to nap in.

We arrived very late so went to bed and only slept a few hours. We were able to have a western breakfast the first morning which was a nice way to ease into being here. We had typical breakfast the next morning.

In the afternoon we began language lessons. Our YWAM friends have been so helpful and patient as we butcher the language. We had an additional language lesson the next morning and a real live exercise when we went to lunch and ordered. The people who work in the restaurants are very patient and understanding. They seem to think it quite funny when we make attempts. I was worried about finding stuff to eat here since I don't like this type of food, but I have been pleasantly surprised and l love the food.

This morning, Sunday here, we attended a fellowship with other believers. We were a little surprised at the openness but excited to spend time with these new friends. Our team shared stories, songs, and a skit. I was even asked to share my story about my bad choice at my old job and the thing God asked me to do this summer with my boss. It went really well and I am in constant awe about all that He is doing here.

We are excited to be going tomorrow to visit new locations and share some stories we've learned. We will be gone for a few days to the smaller areas and then spend a day teaching English. Then, back here for a day to get ready for a ten day trek to new locations.

Keep us in your hearts as we know great things will continue. Love to all. It will probably be a couple of weeks before we can be back to an internet location.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


So it's been a long time since I posted...the last 6 weeks has been incredibly busy. God has done amazing things in my life and I am forever changed. We have learned about the Fear of God, wanting to have His heart more than anything and hating sin in the same way He does. I've learned what it is to truly walk in intimate fellowship with my Heavenly Father. I've learned that humility is being willing to be known for who I really am and that if I truly love others, I will walk in humility. I've learned that love is wanting the highest good for God, for others, and for myself. All of these things have changed me and I can say that while it has been tough in so many ways, I wouldn't have missed this for anything. I am ruined for the ordinary in every way imaginable. I can't imagine how I ever settled for living a mediocre life. I want nothing more than to live in this intimate relationship with my Papa, my Husband, my God.

We have started our outreach today. We traveled to Abilene, Texas this morning, moved into the church where we'll be staying for the next ten days, had a brief orientation,an amazing mexican nacho dinner, and then some of us went to a county prison for ministry. The girls ministered in the women's section while some of the guys ministered in the guy's section. God touched the women's hearts through the songs we sang and the testimonies that were shared. It definitely wasn't about us or any abilities we might have was truly Him flowing through each of us. We were also able to minister one on one with the ladies and pray for them. And all of this was done by the students as our two staff members were not cleared to enter the prison, which they didn't know until just a couple of hours before we went to minister. What a way to start outreach!!! It was great and I can't wait to see all that God has in store for these opportunities.

I will try to post a few more times before we leave for foreign outreaches to Mexico, Brazil, or the Asian country I will be traveling to on Sept. 29th.