Wednesday, August 18, 2010

August 2010 Ministry Update

Update from August 2010

Hey Everyone,
It’s been just over a month since I last sent out an update and a ton has changed since then, so wanted to clue you in to what God has been doing recently.

When I last wrote, I was heading to YWAM Tyler for a prayer retreat and to meet with some of the leadership at the campus.  It was so good to spend a few days seeking God and really hearing His heart for me.  I also felt very challenged by the things He was speaking at that time. 

One specific area that I was seeking God on was the timing of coming on staff at YWAM Tyler and the finances in particular.  To be on staff each person must have at minimum $650.00 in financial support per month.  My personal monthly budget is $1500.00 and I was assuming that I couldn’t come on staff until I reached the higher budget.  But during the days of praying here at the campus, I clearly heard God reminding me of how He has continually provided when I didn’t think there was any way the bills would be paid.  He reminded me of the story in I Kings 17 of Elijah and the widow with the jars of flour and oil that didn’t run out until the drought was ended.  God reminded me of how the “oil” never ran out when I was unemployed and while going through the training schools here at YWAM, even though in the natural it never made sense that there would be enough money for my family’s needs.  I realized again that I was relying on my natural self, what I could see in my hands, rather than relying on what God has in His hands.  I felt this peace and assurance from God that He could make the $650.00 like the widow’s oil and flour and there would be “enough” if I simply trust Him and allow Him to work.  So I accepted the challenge from God to trust Him and took a leap of faith to come when the financial pledges reached $650.  On July 6th, I moved back to YWAM Tyler to be on staff full-time!  I’m still believing that God will speak to hearts to partner with me financially in this journey, so if that is you please contact me at the address below.

At the YWAM Tyler campus, I am working as the assistant to Patty Beck, the Director of Operations.  I haven’t completely figured out yet what that really entails, mostly because it seems Patty is involved in almost all aspects of the ministry here at YWAM Tyler.  Which of course means I get to be involved in everything as well.  I am really excited to be working under Patty—she’s an amazing example of a Godly leader.  The projects I’ve been involved with this past four weeks have been everything from helping order parts for a mower, to researching new mattresses for our student dorms, to helping coordinate our quarterly all-base work day, to helping with a reception for the Mayor of Asan, South Korea who will be here for six months going through some of the training programs.  I’m also apprenticing with the Discipleship Training School and shadowing more seasoned staff in working with the students in that program.  It’s really been a whirlwind four weeks and I’m loving every minute of it.

I so appreciate everyone’s encouragement and support during this process.  Specific prayer points this month are:

  • Wisdom and grace as I learn in my new role at YWAM Tyler.
  • That I would continue to press in to a deeper and more intimate relationship with God, accepting the challenges He presents in my life.
  • Financial provision and that I would continue to rest in the assurance that my God supplies all that I need to be effective in the ministry He has called me to.

I would love to hear from you.  My phone number is still the same, email, and snail mail are welcome too.  My mailing address is Tori Hindman, YWAM Tyler, PO Box 3000, Garden Valley, TX 75771.  Please also let me know what I can be praying for in your life.  Until next month…


p.s.  Please remember that any financial support is tax-deductible, checks should be made out to YWAM and DO NOT put my name anywhere on the check, but instead include a separate note designating the gift is for Tori Hindman.  Checks should be mailed to YWAM Tyler, Accounting Dept, PO Box 3000, Garden Valley, TX 75771.  

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