Wednesday, August 18, 2010

June 2010 Ministry Update

This is the emailed update from the end of June 2010:

I wanted to send out a quick update to let all of you know what’s happening and to ask for your prayers.  Hopefully you’ve received the latest newsletter that I sent out a few weeks ago and know that I am working towards moving to Youth With a Mission, Tyler full-time.  I know that this is the next step in God’s plan for me.  However, in my humanness and out of fear rather than trusting God to work out the details, I put a deadline on God and have communicated that I would be moving back on June 20th.  God has continually been taking me to deeper levels of trust and reliance on Him, on His strength and not my own.  This is just another opportunity for me to lean into Him and to recognize how much He loves me and that He wants the best for me.  I am still in Wylie, but my bags are packed and I am expectant that God will give me the go-ahead to move back to Tyler very soon.  I will actually be at the campus Sunday through Tuesday to spend time praying and I expect God to show me more of Himself.  Please join in praying with me on Monday and Tuesday specifically.

At this point, the main thing that is holding up the move to Tyler is the financial support.  As you are probably aware, I am responsible for raising monthly financial support.  Currently, I have pledges for just over one-fourth of my monthly support goal.  I know God is my provider and have trust that He will speak to the hearts of those who He would have join my financial support team.  Perhaps that is you.  Would you pray and see what God would speak to you?  Whatever He speaks to you, whether to give or not to give, I pray that you would be obedient to His calling and that you would only move in the direction He is showing you.  If you believe that God is calling you to join this work financially, please let me know by return email or phone call at 214-850-8065.  For those who have already responded I am so thankful that you are following His call. Monthly support donations are tax-deductible but must not include my name on the check, instead include a separate note designating the funds for Tori Hindman, make it payable to YWAM, and mail to:

YWAM Tyler
PO Box 3000
Garden Valley , TX 75771

If you have any questions or want to talk further about the plans God has for me, I would love to get together with you or talk on the phone, so just let me know.

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